The CFO's Guide for High ROI Software Spend
- Streamline your software outgoings to slash company spending.
- Curate a high-ROI software stack, where every single tool counts.
- Get actionable tips from three successful CFOs in the tech industry.

The CFO's Guide for High ROI Software Spend
- Streamline your software outgoings to slash company spending.
- Curate a high-ROI software stack, where every single tool counts.
- Get actionable tips from three successful CFOs in the tech industry.




This playbook will equip you with:
Actionable advice from 3 seasoned CFOs: Brad Channer at UBIO, Ervinas Baubinas at CerVertical and Christopher Wakley at Posttag.
Exclusive data on what other companies spend on tech, drawn from Cledara’s database of 400,000+ software purchases.
A comprehensive checklist: 15 steps to assess whether the software you’re thinking about purchasing will deliver ROI.
“It’s not even February and I’ve reduced the company’s spend by more than 300k, mostly by cutting software tools.”