FinOps: Boost Your Software ROI to drive efficient growth
The economic downturn continues to rattle markets, investors, and growing businesses just like yours. Now more than ever, it’s time to take a hard look at one of the largest investments you make on a recurring basis - your software.
Here's what you will learn:
How software management helps optimize your resources
The right processes will help you get the most out of your most valuable and costly software and human resources
4 software processes to implement today
Key management processes and best practices to include in your operations strategy
Software insights to benchmark your tech stack
Uncover the latest data points available to understand their shelf life of your software and measure its value
"Cledara immediately captured 15% more subscriptions we hadn't heard of and automatically linked them to our account so that I could look for the owner, understand the costs, and reach out to the provider to renegotiate"